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1715 1st Avenue SE, Suite 200
Cedar Rapids, IA 52402-5432
(319) 366-5282
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Paramount CVO

Paramount Credentialing Verification Organization (PCVO)

Paramount Credentialing Verification Organization (PCVO) follows the highest standard of quality when performing credentialing services. Starting in 2015, PCVO received national certification by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) for all eleven audited verification services. NCQA evaluates PCVO’s management of various aspects of critical data collection, strong data security protocols, adherence to policy and procedures, and verifying continuous quality improvement plans which are designed to bring value to customers who use these services.

PCVO is committed to producing highly regarded customer service as each credentialing file is processed. PCVO staff internally audit 100% of all files processed for data quality, accuracy, and compliance with regulatory standards and provider’s specific needs. In addition, required external audits by contracted health insurance plans have consistently awarded PCVO 100% for all file elements/processes reviewed.

PCVO’s state-of-the-art credentialing system offers a complete package of services for any sized organization. Each PCVO customer designs their own product, process, and timeline. Clinics or facilities can outsource to PCVO the administrative challenges associated with credentialing and enrollment, recredentialing, hospital and other facility privileging, Medicare and Iowa Medicaid enrollment, ongoing monitoring, and primary source verification.

For more information about PCVO’s services, please email